By T. Gephart
White Trash Circus will be taking an extended break and won’t be playing any time in the foreseeable future. Please lodge all your complaints to my guitarist—and my ex best friend—who I found inside the girlfriend I’ve had since high school. I will pull the freaking knife from my back and continue—without either of them—when the time is right. With enough hate and anger coursing through my veins to keep me in therapy for life, I’m going to save my cash and let the music heal me. Prepare all your bleeding hearts to be tormented with the most righteous, heavy and cataclysmic tunes to ever come out of me. So there’s that to look forward to. Thank you for all the support over the years, the gigs, the love and most of all memories. Don’t trust anyone and stay metal—Vaughan. PS. Connor, you left your guitar and rig at my house so I took the liberty of relocating it to my front lawn. I might have dropped it on the way out the door. In your own words, brother, “Sometimes stuff just happens.” PPS. Our drummer spontaneously combusted and is no longer with us. WhiteTrashMegaFan- Whoa! Is this real? VaughanLover4Eva - I love you Vaughan, you were too good for her anyway. I want to have your babies. HeavyBrad69– So rock and roll!! Can’t wait for the new stuff, it’s going to be metal AF! Nico – Ummm, Vaughan, what about me? LicksNStick - LOL awks White Trash Circus – No one cares about the bass player, Nico.
My Review
This is my first book from T. Gephart and I can’t get over her cool and badass writing style! That is the best way to describe it! Her characters, males, and females are totally awesome and completely nice though I loved the female character more. They are cooler, talented, hard workers, temperamental and set in their ways to be together. Viral had an exciting combination of social media going viral, romance, angst, thrill and tons and tons of humor!I love the push and pull, the banter, the humorous lines… it’s all awesome!!!
I found myself laughing and grinning as I read. And oh the first time when V got int to the office thinking the owner of a record label wanted him to have sex with his wife LOL!! It was so hilarious I was like man you have a band!! All the situations then this couple gets into is fabulous … they cannot stay out of trouble and off the chart between the sheet moments. I also loved the supporting characters and probably they will make appearances in the series? I said before my favorite was Gillian. She works for her father's record label. and is such a strong character. She's sassy, strong, empowered, and goes for what she believes in. This is just such a fun and fast-paced read that you can’t put down!
¡Este es mi primer libro de T. Gephart y no puedo superar su estilo de escritura ya que es genial y rudo! ¡Esa es la mejor manera de describirlo! Sus personajes, hombres y mujeres son totalmente increíbles y completamente agradables, aunque me encantó más el personaje femenino. Sus personajes son más geniales, talentosos, trabajadores, temperamentales y dispuestos a estar juntos sin importar el porque. ¡Viral tenía una combinación emocionante de redes sociales que se volvieron virales, romance, angustiadas, emocionantes y toneladas y toneladas de humor!
Me encanta el empujar y tirar, las bromas y las líneas humorísticas ... ¡todo es increíble! Me encontré riendo y sonriendo mientras leía. ¡Y la primera vez que V, llegó a la oficina pensando que el dueño de un sello discográfico quería que tuviera sexo con su esposa LOL! ¡Fue tan gracioso que yo quería meterme a la historia y decirle ; oye tienes una banda!
Todas las situaciones en las que se mete esta pareja son fabulosas ... no pueden mantenerse fuera de problemas y fuera de la tabla entre los momentos de la hoja. También me encantaron los personajes secundarios y ¿probablemente harán apariciones en la serie? Dije antes que mi favorita era Gillian. Ella trabaja para el sello discográfico de su padre. y es un personaje tan fuerte. Ella es descarada, fuerte, empoderada y apuesta por lo que cree. ¡Es una lectura tan divertida y rápida que no puedes dejarla!